Anytime that you operate or own a business, you should take the time to become familiar with business networking, and just what it can do for your business. In it’s simplest form,business networking is used to spread the word about your business, if people don’t know that your business exists, how do you expect them to come to you for the goods or services that you are offering?

Another important part of business networking is meeting other people in the business world, people who would be willing to help you spread the word about your business,and maybe even give you valuable tips that might help you in your future business endeavors, particularly if this is your first solo venture. You want to make as many friends and business acquaintances as possible, and let them know about your business, your products and services that you provide, and do it in a way that will interest them, so that they will be more likely to mention your business to their friends and acquaintances as well; there is no better way to get free advertising for your business.

Many business owners find that they have to spend a lot of time traveling for their business, meeting new clients and obtaining new contracts, obtaining supplies and goods needed for their business, etc. They may also spend time traveling just because they can, just because you have a business to run doesn’t mean that you have to be tied down. While you are traveling, take the time to meet and talk to people. Talk to people in the airport while you are waiting in line, talk to people you meet on the plane, and make sure that you casually mention your business somewhere in the conversation. The more people you manage to meet and talk to, the better odds you have of gaining a potential contact or customer for your business.

Some people find it extremely difficult to just strike up a conversation with someone they don’t know, which is understandable. When you are talking to people that you don’t know, just remember, you have nothing to lose. They will either think that you are strange and move away, or they will be glad for the friendly conversation and be happy to join in to pass the time, you never know until you actually try. When talking to someone you don’t know, remember to be polite, greet them by saying hello, and ask them how they are doing. People will be more willing to talk to you if you ask them general questions and they can simply respond. Soon, they will open up and start asking you questions in return, and before you know it, you have a full-fledged conversation going. You want to ask open-ended questions, to get the other person involved in the conversation as much as possible. You might ask them where they are traveling to, and whether they are just traveling for fun or for business purposes, which will give you a good lead-in to throw in some chat about your own business, and go into more detail about what your company does.

The more people you take the time to talk to and meet, the more you expand your business network. Don’t limit yourself by not talking to new people, as you may truly be missing out on some great business contacts and customers. How you do know that the person standing in front of you in line doesn’t have a need that might be met by one of the products or services offered by your business?

You have to learn to talk to new people, and get over that shyness or embarrassment, if you want to truly build your business networking contacts. Make the most of your traveling time, and use it to potentially build and expand your business network. You should strive to strike up a conversation with at least one new person everyday, and as you become more comfortable, raise the goal to two or three new people. If you
consistently practice your people and conversational skills, you will find that your
business will be the better for it, and for the new contacts you meet along the way.

So, the next time you are traveling, don’t forget to take the time to meet and talk to new people, you never know where the relationship may go!